Our Story

Amir Clemons Gerard Clemons

Amir and Gerard Clemons

Amir Clemons age 10 and his younger brother Gerard age 7 were brutally killed on March 16, 2009 by there mothers jealous ex-boyfriend. This monster shot and stabbed Amir more than 40 times then stabbed Gerard 131 times.

From an article in The Emporium Gazette dated March 18, 2009:
Amir and Gerard both played for the Missouri Valley Blazers fourth-grade red team.
Although only a first-grader, Gerard was good enough that he was allowed to “play up,” head coach James Price said.

Gerard’s determination was inspiring to teammates and coaches alike, Price said. Even after being knocked down and roughed up by much older — and bigger — players, “Little G” begged to start game after game. “I told his mom and dad he’s going to be special,” Price said. “He’s going to be special because he’s focused and determined, and he’s got the drive.”

Amir scored a career-high 26 points in a game Friday night, said Troy Simon, the team’s assistant coach and a close family friend the boys called “uncle.” Afterward, Simon told Amir he had a great game. He replied: “Yeah, coach, but next Friday I’m going to be a little better.”

The Monster, Gevante Anderson Was Caught And Is In Jail!
